Tuesday, July 26, 2011

i've spent my morning curled up in a blanket by a window covered in rain, with a cup of my favourite direct trade coffee, reading this book which i have to read for school.  it's the longest book in the whole world with the smallest letters.  but i'm only 28 pages in and i've already learned so much... HLSC has that power over me.  regardless of how much i've learned, and how much i may really enjoy it, i have less than no chance of finishing the whole thing before classes start, so i've gotta start skim reading soon. 

clint and i bought our little shitwagon last night.  well, really clint just bought it for now.  i can't pay him yet, but i will.  it's our car together so i am paying for it too... duhhhhh!  it's so cute, but so dirty.  who even sells a car like that?  really?  talk about having no respect for anyone.  i would never sell a car in that condition.  at least wash a window or two, and also filling up the gas tank so it's not below empty could be a nice start... but hey, it's ours now, and we'll love it more than it seems it has been loved for the passed little bit...

i don't have a whole lot else on my brain today.  i work a lot this week which is so good... thank the working gods!   i still need to find something to volunteer for... i have some hours, but i don't have the committment that i think bev is looking for.  hmm what to do, what to do.  with this gigantic book and working it seems i don't really have much time anymore anyways.  but i've got to try, i've got to to do something!  thankfully i get to help out with callie's Ignite the Road to Justice (hopefully) which will be a fantastic event!  whether i get to volunteer for her or not.

also, i need highlighters.

" 'There are stories of people coming to the Buddha, and saying, ‘I am leaving your teaching because you have not told me about whether there is a life after death, or whether there is another world.’ And the Buddha says, ‘Did I ever say that I would give you the answers to these things?’ ‘No, you didn’t.’ ‘Why do you think that I ever said that I would give you the answer to these things? Because these are not the things that you need to know. The thing that you need to know is how to deal with suffering, because at this very moment, what made you ask that question was suffering.’ "

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